Monday, October 23, 2006


We at The Thomas Report have strayed from politics for a while and I was trying to figure out why. I watch Bill O’Reilly and I watch Bill Maher, and there has to be some middle ground, but when I think about it, politics shouldn’t have a middle ground. Bill O’Reilly is the most Conservative Independent on earth. He is a mega-conservative that tries to sleaze out some UGLY chick and gets set up. I take issue with O’Reilly because he:

1. Tried to hook up with a UGLY chick and got recorded.
2. Tries to out talk the “liberal looney’s” out there that he has on his show/
3. Claims to know the culture of Columbia University, but never was a student there. I never went to Harvard. Can I honestly make a definitive claim of the academic culture there? Don’t think so.
4. Lastly, he a prick who tried to tank Ludacris’ come up and tried to bully Pepsi into dropping him from a commercial and he stepped out on his wife with an UGLY chick. Bill O’Reilly is an ass and a hooker set up away from being off the air.

How come if the liberal left opposes the war, they oppose American security? I think it’s very dangerous to do that and that’s the perfect example of white men being white men…Anyway, Dennis Miller called out Sean Hannity on that and caught Hannity off guard. Hannity said all Democrats were trying to cut and run and end the war and blah blah blah, and Dennis Miller (a new wave conservative) said that it is unfair and dangerous to say just because they don’t agree with the current Republican strategy, that the Dem's don’t care about the WAR. We at The Thomas Report feel that only Skulls should be in government and we also feel that American’s shouldn’t have buyer’s remorse. You bought GW or he bought you, and now you must deal with him. Good or bad…He owns America and it’s courts and ass soon as we feel comfortable with the political lube, our annus’ will feel better as well.

We at The Thomas Report acknowledge that there is always a hint of cynicism attached to all of our commentary, but seriously, I am a firm believer that politicians by right should be corrupt, white, and preferably from a reputable family. There are many reasons why I feel this way, but mainly because I think over privileged white men make good villains. Politicians in this country are villains with madcap agendas that get foiled at the last minute by their opposition, the press, or their own party. The best is the way that politicians swear they know nothing about any wrong doing or tomfoolery. “I had no idea that I was IM’ing young boys….or better yet, I’m an alcoholic.” Or there’s “I had no idea Mr. Abramoff came to the White House on those occasions…” The best one “I apologize for the Vice President shooting me in the face…I’m sorry to have put my face in harms way…” Evil men should conduct the business of this country! Evil men are great….Evil women too I guess can get some love. Condi and Hillary are two ruthless broads that would sell anything to be in power….Especially that ass! I just don’t know who would buy it…One of them is single (not by choice trust me) and the other’s husband would rather bang out a sleazed Jewish intern than his brutally unattractive wife. But anyway, I look forward to seeing what happens to a few politicians. Namely Rick Santorum, Ken Blackwell, The Governator, Mike DeWine, and that looney district in Florida that will still put a Republican in office, even though the name on the ballot will be some perved out sleezoid who drinks too much and solicits beau hunks. What a world! Just keep them white, rich, and reputable and America will stay the course. Aint that right G-Dub…G Deezy 4 Sheezy…G Dizzle…G Weez….or George Walker Bush!


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