Tuesday, October 24, 2006


David Kuo has been making waves through the media storm due to his book Tempting Faith. He has been on all the shows: Larry King, Bill Maher, 60 Minutes, and this morning I saw him on C-SPAN. His book is about the White House’s brilliant idea to get Christian Evangelical leaders to join forces and pony up all of that offering to the White House for G-Deezy and ‘em. Mr. Kuo has stated he was the architect that helped design the template if you will of getting Christian power broker’s to join forces with Karl Rove’s machine. In return, the Christian’s would get “ex” amount of dollars for their programs and initiatives. Well a funny thing happened on the way to the successful re-election of G-Weez; nothing! Squat! Bubkas! Jack shit! The Christians thought that they would have the ear of G-Dub, but they were bamboozled, hornswagled, led astray (you get my drift)… Mr. Kuo says the reason he went public was to try to encourage Christians to have a “political fast” and disassociate themselves from politics and more importantly politicians. Fat chance! It aint happening! If GW is good for anything, it’s convincing people that he’s a Christian, Muslim’s are bad, and we as Christians should kill all terrorists. Christians killing Muslim terrorist? Well to each his own. My stance has been made clear. You can’t take back what you’ve bought, tried on, worn to the club, and funked up. He’s your guy and if G-Wizzle wants to tell Christians one thing and do another, then deal with it. Christians in this country have me puzzled anyway. Christians in this country don’t care about Darfur, any suffrage, the poor or homeless, they care about abortion and the war. So am I to believe that Jesus Christ would have turned his benevolent back on the people of Africa, namely Darfur? I’m just unclear what Jerry Falwell, JD Jakes, Joel Osteen, and whoever else penetrates my television on Sundays. But Mr. Kuo has one issue that is irrefutable. He has fingered the Republicans for doing an unscrupulous alignment with the Christians, and he more importantly fingered the unscrupulous evangelicals who were naïve enough to believe a rattlesnake wouldn’t bite them. Or would it?